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ReImagined Laneway

In July of 2023, the ReImagined Laneway project was completed and is located between Kindred Credit Union and Print One on Main St, Mount Forest. What used to be a dark, and quiet alleyway is now a trip down memory lane. â€‹


There were many individuals and companies that helped with the organization and research of this project. We thank everyone who contributed to making this project a success!


To the BIA subcommittee, Jessica McFarlane, Maggie Schram, and Claire Prentice for bringing this project to life. John Benns and John Padfield, Kindred Credit Union, Print One for printing the pictures, and Fairbro Electric for installing the lights. McRobb Construction for installing the pictures, Kate Rowley from the Museum and Archives for locating the pictures, and Allan and Cathy Sharpe ... just to name a few of our gracious contributors!


Dar or might, take a stroll through the ReImagined Laneway to look back on some of our town's history.


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